Random number generators discussion

Random number generators | www.agner.org

Frequently Asked Questions

 Frequently Asked Questions
How to post a message
What to post
Where is my message?
How do I find the latest messages?
How do I search for a combination of words?
Why do I get funny codes when i press the Quote Button?
Can I use HTML code?
Can I copy text from somewhere else?
I don't know HTML. How do I make a link?
Will I get spam if I publish my Email address here?
Mouse problems

How to post a message
If your message is not related to any previous message, then click on Begin New Subject. If your message is a comment or follow-up to another message then go to that message and click on Reply To This Message. You will get a form where you can enter your message. Fields marked with a * are required. Click the OK button and you will get a preview. Check if the preview looks as you want it to, then clik the Post Message button.

Your message will appear as soon as it has been accepted by the moderator.

What to post
Discussion of the pseudo random number generators published at www.agner.org/random/ and the related theory also published here.

If you find any technical problems or bugs then please report it here or send me a mail.

Where is my message?
Use the search facility to find your own message.

If your message is not there it may be because the hasn't had the time to approve it yet, or it may have been rejected because it violates the principles written on this page, or you may have forgotten to press the Post message button on the message preview page.

Old messages are removed to make space for new ones.

How do I find the latest messages?
Click on the Date heading to sort the list by the date of the first message in thread. Click on the Latest heading to sort the list by the date of the latest reply.
How do I search for a combination of words?
Go to the Search page. Write the words in the search field.

If you choose All Words you will find only messages that contain all the words you are searching for.
If you choose Any Word you will find all messages that contain at least one of the words.
If you choose Exact Phrase you will find only messages that contain the exact phrase you have written, not messages that contain the same words in a different order.

The search engine makes no distinction between capital and small letters.

Why do I get funny codes when i press the Quote Button?
These are HTML codes. The quote begins with <BLOCKQUOTE> and ends with </BLOCKQUOTE>. Everything in between is interpreted as HTML code. You may remove part of the text as long as you don't mess up the HTML codes. Look at the message preview to see what the quote will look like.
Can I use HTML code?
Yes. Just copy and paste the code from an HTML editor or a word processor that can generate HTML code. Active elements like forms and scripts are not allowed. Images are not allowed.

Be sure to check the message preview to see if your message looks as you want it to. If your line breaks get messed up then you have to specify where you want line breaks. Use <p> for new paragraph, or <br> for a simple linefeed.

Can I copy text from somewhere else?
Yes, you can copy text from your word processor or from anywhere else if it is not copyright protected. If you are using a Windows system then the procedure for copying text is as follows: Highlight the text you want to copy. Press Ctrl+Ins or Ctrl+C. Go to the place where you want to copy the text to (i.e. the message text field) and press Shift+Ins. The procedure may be slightly different in other systems.
I don't know HTML. How do I make a link?
Anything that begins with http:// or www. will automatically be converted to a link. An E-mail link can be written as mailto:xxx@yyy.zzz
Will I get spam if I publish my Email address here?
The Email address you enter in the Your Email: field will be hidden behind a JavaScript which makes it very difficult for spam robots to find it. If you enter an Email address in the message text then this Email address will be vulnerable to spam attacks.
Mouse problems
You can use the keyboard instead of the mouse if your browser supports access-keys. Most links have an underlined letter indicating a hotkey. Hold down the Alt key and press the hotkey to activate the link. The pushbuttons have their first letter as hotkeys. The first nine items in a list can be accessed as Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3, etc. Note that this doesn't work in all browsers. In some systems you need to use another key than Alt with the hotkey. You can also use the Tab key to select a link. Try if it works on your system!