Vector Class Discussion

thread Errors in vectorf128.h and vectorf256.h - HolyWu - 2019-06-18
last reply Errors in vectorf128.h and vectorf256.h - Agner - 2019-06-19
Errors in vectorf128.h and vectorf256.h
Author:  Date: 2019-06-18 22:34
When I compiled my code by VS2017/VS2019 with /arch:AVX512, it reported that '_mm_cvtepu32_ps', '_mm_rsqrt14_ps', '_mm256_cvtepu32_ps', and '_mm256_rsqrt14_ps' identifier not found. I have lookup them up at, and those intrinsics don't exist.
Errors in vectorf128.h and vectorf256.h
Author: Agner Date: 2019-06-19 13:32
These intrinsic functions are defined in "Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual".
They work in Gcc and Clang compilers, but not in Visual Studio 2019. I have not tried yet with Intel compiler.

I have made this work-around for Visual Studio:
return _mm512_castps512_ps128(_mm512_cvtepu32_ps(_mm512_castsi128_si512(a)));