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by dyaitskov
2020-05-14, 7:57:56
Forum: Agner's CPU blog
Topic: Optimization manuals
Replies: 9
Views: 96294

Re: Optimization manuals


I found what I was looking for

Over the years these papers got mixed in my head.
by dyaitskov
2020-05-14, 6:32:30
Forum: Agner's CPU blog
Topic: Optimization manuals
Replies: 9
Views: 96294

Re: Optimization manuals

Hi Agner, I was reading your book, Optimization C++, many years ago. Today I wanted to find arithmetic hacks and I wasn't able to do that. I checked random older versions on internet archive. I remember hacks such as: An int value is treated as a vector of bytes (simulation SIMD in plain C) Add numb...