Vector Class Discussion

Generating constants without load?
Author:  Date: 2018-05-15 01:28
How to properly generate constants without load with vectorclass or intriniscs?

Things like this doesn't work with gcc: it is "optimized" into a 128-bit load at -Os or above.
__m128i ud = _mm_undefined_si128();
__m128i one = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(ud, ud);

thread Generating constants without load? - myocytebd - 2018-05-15
last replythread Generating constants without load? new - Agner - 2018-05-15
last replythread Generating constants without load? new - myocytebd - 2018-05-15
last reply Generating constants without load? new - Agner - 2018-05-15