Vector Class Discussion

Large Arrays
Author: Bill Date: 2018-03-14 18:00
Let's say I have a really large main_array of a custom type:
type1 main_array[1500];

type1 is a struct that looks like:

struct type1
int m_i1;
int m_i2;

struct levels
int x1;
int x2;
int y1;
int y2;
} m_levels[5];

So, type1 is 88 bytes, and main_array is 132,000 bytes.

Now, let's say I have another array of a custom type that contains various offsets into main_array to access it's contents. Like this:

type2 access_array[10];

struct type2
int m_offset1;
int m_offset2;
int m_offset3;

Can I use VCL to optimize walking through access_array to get to the random offsets of main_array?
thread Large Arrays - Bill - 2018-03-14
last reply Large Arrays new - Agner - 2018-03-15